Learn to Dance Salsa, Bachata & Kizomba in Eindhoven!
"Dance is the hidden language of the soul"
Salsa Connexion stands for connection with yourself, your partner and the music. With dance you can have fun while developing your skills and learn to be present, in control and in connection with your body.
Confidence, feeling free and being able to express yourself is not only applicable in dance, but also in life: “You live the way you dance and you dance the way you live”.
Dance Company Salsa Connexion is dedicated to spreading the joy of Latin music & dances through dance classes, social parties and events.
We’re more than a dance school; we’re a supportive community where friendships and genuine interactions flourish. From building connections and improving health, to promoting cultural exchange, we’re committed to building a stronger, more connected Eindhoven!
Our Levels
Salsa / Bachata / Kizomba Level 1: Absolute Beginner (14-18 Classes)
You will learn the fundamental techniques & theory of this Latin dance. You will also learn the dance Merengue to teach how to transfer your weight and develop the first coordinated steps. After this course you will be able to dance short combinations and basic turns, which you can literally use all over the world! After this class you can continue with Salsa/Bachata/Kizomba Level 2: Beginners+.
Salsa / Bachata Level 2: Beginner+ (Ongoing level = no starting or end date)
From Level 2 = Beginner+ onwards, there are no more start and end dates, and there is no longer a course format. It is an ongoing level with drop-in classes several days a week and you can therefore join and participate at any time.
This Salsa class is for people with already some experience in Salsa dance and/or have finished our Salsa Level 1: Absolute Beginner. Please keep in mind that a good foundation of basic techniques is VERY IMPORTANT for the rest of your dancing years to come. To enter Salsa Level 2 you need to have followed 14-18 classes at Salsa Connexion at Salsa Level 1.
Why Beginner+ or Level 1+?
Within Salsa Connexion we see that students need around 30+ = 6-8 Months of classes for a good foundation in order to join Salsa Level 3 in a way that you are comfortable in joining the existing group, where a strong basic foundation is needed to keep up. With completing Salsa 1 and 1+ you will have enough knowledge and experience to join the Salsa Level 3 group.
From Improver & higher levels onwards, there are also no more start and end dates (as this is from the beginner+ level), and there is no longer a course format. It is an ongoing level with drop-in classes several days a week and you can therefore join and participate at any time. Staying in level 3, 4 or for usually goes up to 1 year per level.
For more information about the levels and requirements please go to our “Dance and Levels Page, Click here“
Salsa Connexion Benefits
Our Features
- Student app for telephone or tablet
- Female-male balance optimization
- More flexibility. You can decide for yourself how often, when and which lessons you want to take
- The possibility to purchase individual lessons
- Integrated video library
- Good mechanical ventilation system
- Free parking
- Just outside the center of Eindhoven
Popular Reasons to Start Dancing
- Easy way to meet new people
- Dancing is fun! Share this experience together
- A way to challenge your body and mind
- Increase your confidence
- Dancing is great for couples to work on their connection
- Easy way to get fit
Reviews Salsa Connexion
Get in the Mood!