
How Does Our Medal System Work?

1. Consult Your Instructor

2. Request your medal in the Bueno App

3. Meet the minimum requirements

4. Assessment

5. Receive Your Medal

6. Progress to the Next Level

Current Level 1,2,3 are free of Medals
[this can change in the future]

Why a Medal System?

We implemented the medal system to:

  • Guide your dance journey and provide a clear path to improve skills and milestones.
  • Teach high quality classes where all dancers are at a similar level.

Understanding Our Criteria:

Rather than focusing solely on specific dance moves or patterns, we prioritize how well you execute each movement. Quality and precision are more valuable than complexity.

Take Time:

Take your time to master all aspects of your current level before moving forward. This approach ensures you become a proficient dancer others enjoy dancing with.

Instructor Expertise:

Trust our instructors’ assessments, based on their extensive experience. Their decision ensures you’re placed in the appropriate level for your skill and development.

Solo Classes:

Will significantly improve body awareness & control, individual technique, rhythm, and overall confidence, for a more well-rounded dancer.

It is highly advised to participate in these classes to enhance your dance journey, as the classes you follow will be taken into consideration with your medal request. This will ensure you progress more quickly to a higher level/medal.

Medal Request:

  • Communicate your interest to your instructor & Request your medal in the Bueno app.
  • Ensure your profile picture is uploaded in the Bueno app [needed for internal evaluation].
  • Make sure you meet the minimum requirements before submitting your medal request.


  • Assessment is conducted during regular classes [spread over multiple weeks].
  • Instructors will guide you through your progress.

Receive Your Medal:

  • Medals will be assigned through the Bueno app.
  • You’ll receive a Bueno notification about your medal status.
  • You are able to book higher level classes after receiving your Medal.

We can’t give any medal if:

  • You are new with us, and we haven’t seen you in action. Please send us a message and we can add you to a class, after which, the instructor can give you the required medal.
  • You don’t have a profile picture in the Bueno app. Our instructors need to see who you are! They might not know you by name…

Current Medal Status for Level 4 & 5 Dancers

The current medal assignment is up to date and based on:

  • Your dance level as currently known.
  • Consistent attendance over an extended period of classes followed.

Would you like to improve your current medal status?
Request an assessment in the Bueno Student app and follow the instructions on this webpage.

Dance Level & Requirements

Salsa 4-5

  • Duration: Spend at least 12 months in Level 3 and/or Level 3/4.
  • Solo Lessons: Highly recommended to enhance your Dance skills.
  • Curriculum: Read more here
  • Assessment: Request via teacher & Bueno App; conducted over 4 class weeks.
  • Attendance: Aim for consistent attendance; average of at least 3 classes per month.

Bachata 4

    • Duration: Spend at least 12 months in Level 3.
    • Solo Lessons: Highly recommended to enhance your Dance skills.
    • Assessment: Request via our website; conducted over 4 class weeks.
    • Attendance: Aim for consistent attendance; average of at least 3 classes per month.

Bachata 5

    • Duration: Spend at least 12 months in Level 4.
    • Solo Lessons: Highly recommended to enhance your Dance skills.
    • Assessment: Request via our website; conducted over 4 class weeks.
    • Attendance: Aim for consistent attendance; average of at least 3 classes per month.

Urban Kizomba 5

    • Duration: Complete 12 months in Level 4.
    • Curriculum: Read more here
    • Assessment: Request via our website; conducted over 4 class weeks.
    • Attendance: Aim for consistent attendance; average of at least 3 classes per month.

Urban Kizomba 6

    • Duration: Complete 12 months in Level 5.
    • Curriculum: Read more here
    • Assessment: Request via our website; conducted over 4 class weeks.
    • Attendance: Aim for consistent attendance; average of at least 3 classes per month.