Class Information & FAQ
On this page you will find information about:
How to Register?! There are 2 ways
1. Go to class schedule
- Select your class at
- Purchase a try-out-ticket , Membership or Punch-card
- Download our app
- Use the app to manage your classes and products
For more information go to our “Schedule” page [click here].
2. Go to our prices page
- Select your product at
- Purchase a Try-out-punch-card Membership or Punch-card
- Download our app
- Use the app to manage your classes and products
For more information go to our “Prices” page [click here].
Download and use the Bueno student app
The bueno app gives you insight to your profile, payments, video lessons and all classes for which you can register (enroll) or deregister.
For more information go to our “Download our App” page [click here]
Bueno Student App
*In the calendar you can sign up for the class you want to follow.
*in the menu “Mijn activiteiten = My Activiteit” you can see what you are signed up for.

All our classes are in English
Due to the international character of Eindhoven, we have decided to give all our classes in English.
Yet most of our teachers also speak Dutch. So you can ask your questions in Dutch during class as well 😉
Joining without Dance partner?
- You can register with or without a dance partner.
- If you come without a dance partner, no worries, we will rotate dance partners during our classes.
- Registration is mandatory and can only be done online via the “Bueno Student App” or “Our Class schedule“
How to Register?!
For more information go to our “singing up for classes” page [click here].
Optimalization Female-Male ratio
We ask our students to book in time to be sure of a spot.
In addition to a maximum number of spots, we use an automatic optimization to control the difference between women and men. When the difference becomes too great/big, new registrations can sign up to a waiting list. As soon as there are new registrations that optimize the balance, spots will be released (for everyone including the waiting list). All that signed up for the waitinglist will receive notification in the Bueno app + email. After that, the first to sign up will get the spot.
Download the Bueno student app
For more information go to our “Download our app” page [click here].
Joining with Membership or Punchcard
- You can join classes up to 30 days in advance.
- Registration is possible until 3 hours before start of the class.
- Cancelation is possible until 4 PM [16:00] on the day of the class.
- Memberships & Punchards are purchased on your name and can only be used for yourself.
- The Memberships & Punchcards can be used in any class of the regular schedule. It’s not valid for special workshops. In other words: This week you follow Salsa on Monday and Next week you want to follow a Bachata class on Thursday. This is all possible! Students can register per class-date and plan ahead!
Catching up missed classes
For more information go to our “Catching up Missed Classes” page [click here].
Waiting-list, how does it work and why?
For more information go to our “Waiting-List” page [click here].
Waiting-list, how does it work and why?
For more information go to our “Waiting-List” page [click here].
Medal System
For more information go to our “Medal-System” page [click here].
All classes are paid, including the try-outs
Take into consideration that all classes, including try-outs are paid. Due to a maximum number of spots we strive for the best experience for you to have.
To avoid a “no-show” (taking away the opportunity for another person to join) payments must be done upfront.
Optimizing the female-male ratio per class
We do our best to monitor the male-female balance in class.
As we know from our experience: a better balanced female-male ratio will lead to a better progression of the class and a higher quality.
We need your help to make this possible
Memberships & Punch-card holders: Please sign in for your class! using the Bueno App
You help us and your fellow students by signing off in the Bueno App. If we receive the information on time, we can take action to resolve the imbalance by engaging assistants.
Note: memberships follow x classes per week. The membership itself is not connected to a specific class, therefor you need to sign up/enroll per class per week.
Bueno Student App
*In the calendar you can sign up for the class you want to follow.
*in the menu “Mijn activiteiten = My Activiteit” you can see what you are signed up for.

Waiting-list, how does it work and why?
We use a balancing system so that the difference between the number of women and men cannot become too great. This benefits lesson progression and lesson quality.
The sooner everybody signs up for their classes the sooner the dance school can see what the balance is.
We urge people to sign up for the waiting-list if they want to join the class when possible.
In addition, we monitor the waiting list of registrations and do our best to let everyone participate.
Are you on the waiting list for a long time? Please contact us! This creates a contact moment to look for a suitable solution.
Classes have a maximum number of spots
It is possible that a class has reached it’s maximum number of spots. This can be due to the capacity of the dance space or a big unbalance between leaders and followers.
Guaranteed spots for couples
- sign up as a couple for the whole cylce
- send your request by email to administration(at)
- mention both your first + last names
- the class name, day, hour
- we can only garuantee this offer if the maximum capacity of the class/dance room is not reached.
New student? Have not purchased any product/class yet
No worries if you are on the waiting-list! Salsa Connexion monitors the waiting-list daily and will find a solution for you shortly!
After signing up for the waiting-list, please contact the dance school by whatsapp on the number at the “Contact” page [click here].
This creates a contact moment to look for a suitable solution.
For our Memberships & Punch-card holders
- There is an option to download our dance school app [click here for more information], on which you will immediately receive a notification if there is a spot. Handy if you don’t constantly check your email.
- As soon as a place is available, everyone on the waiting list will receive an email notification and/or a notification via the dance school “Bueno Student App”.
Then we apply: first come, first served. - Salsa Connexion also proactively adds students, with a Membership or Punch-card, to the class from the waiting-list. We strive to let everybody join the classes.
Catching up Missed Classes
Catching up missed classes is possible.
– Classes can be catched up no later than 2 weeks after the missed class.
– In order to catch up classes you need to be an active member, meaning you have a active membership or punchcard.
– You can only catch up classes on your dancelevel.
– When the absolute beginner course has ended, catching up missed classes will not be possible anymore.
– Sign out in the app if you are unable to attend a class. This way you prevent us from asking an assisting dancer who is not needed to dance with the group. (more info click here to download the app)
Send us mail to: administration(at) with your first+last name(s) and the class/dance/time, the weekend before the week of the catch up class.
This way we can process all requests in one moment/weekend.
1. How to cancel your class
To cancel a class which you have reserved you should log in at your “Bueno Student App” and cancel the class online at least 3 hours before the specific class starts.
Situation 1:
If the cancellation is done more than 3 hours before the class starts (Early Cancel):
- students with a monthly subscription can re-use this credit for another class in the same week.
- students with a puchcard can re-use their credit for another class before the package expires.
Situation 2:
If the cancellation is done less than 3 hours before the class starts (Late Cancel):
- the credit is lost and cannot be re-used anymore for other classes.
Situation 3:
You already used your credit of your membership.
If you get a notification as below (picture with red saying “attention”) please contact Salsa Connexion as soon as possible via whatsapp.
Tip: Enroll your classes as soon as possible. So that when you encounter signing up issues, you + Salsa Connexion have time to resolve it.
2. No show or Late Cancel
If you can not make it to a class that you signed up for and decide to NOT cancel your class online 3 hours before your class, the credit of that class is lost and cannot be re-used anymore for other classes. Also you are taking up a spot for another dancer that might be on our waiting list.

Medal System
For your dance development it’s important that you give yourself time to learn and practice. Everyone learns at a different pace depending on how many classes you take, the unique talent you have and whether you practice on social dance events. To make sure you start taking classes at a suitable level for you and dance with students at a comparable level, we work with a Medal system.
If you are new to Salsa Connexion, you’ll have a one-week period in which you can join classes without the required medals. Make sure to ask the instructor if he can give one to you for your next visit. All instructors can give the medal requested, assuming you do have the right skills!
- Medals will only be granted after assessment in class. Communicate with your teacher you would like to go to a higher level.
- Make sure you have uploaded a profile picture because otherwise, we can not grant the medal.
You can request a medal through the Bueno app when registering for a class. If you are new to Salsa Connexion, you’ll have a one-week period in which you can join classes without the required medals. Make sure to ask the instructor if he can assign you the medal for your next visit. The medal will be assigned if the level suits you!
In class the instructors will monitor your development. If you feel like you are ready to move on to a higher level, consult your teacher. He will let you know if you master the techniques required to move on to the next level. If so, you can request your medal in the Bueno app.
Salsa Connexion is working on a way to communicate the techniques and patterns that you need to be able to show on your assessment. This way the student can manage their expectations. More info will follow soon.
TIP: Make sure to have a profile picture in the Bueno app. Our instructors need to see who you are so they can assign your medal!
The assessment of the medal application takes place on location (in the lessons) in consultation with the teacher.
Not a member of Salsa Connexion yet? Sign up by simply clicking on the class you would like to attend below, and selecting the package you would like to purchase. Check out your options here
At the moment the medals are applied on going from Intermediate to Advanced levels (Salsa 4 to 5 / Bachata 4 to 5 / Kizomba 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6).